Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Sea breeze and southerly change weaken NSW heatwave

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Sea breeze and southerly change weaken NSW heatwave

SYDNEY, Feb 8 AAP - The heatwave that struck NSW eased on Sunday with cooler than expected
temperatures in coastal and inland areas.

Deniliquin in the state's southwest sweltered on Saturday with a top of 47 degrees
but failed to break the 40 mark on Sunday.

The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) said the cool change expected on Sunday reduced temperatures
along southern parts of NSW by the afternoon.

"It's certainly cooler in the southern part of the state," BoM senior forecaster Elly
Spark told AAP.

"It will cool down and it …

ClinicTools: Releases Next Generation Social Media

Wireless News
ClinicTools: Releases Next Generation Social Media
Type: News, a subsidiary of ClinicTools, announced its next generation of social media.

"The primary focus here is on using a social network to reduce unemployment," said the founder and CEO, Henry Balogun, in a release.
"Repositioning a social network can turn it into a powerful tool designed to strengthen commerce, thereby cut unemployment. The time to use social networks to our advantage is now.

"We cannot solve our current economic problems without employing a creative approach, and this is exactly what PrimeHangout is doing."

"We have the means to help everyone find friends, connect, and chat. What we need is to take those connections to a new height. When you open a store and are ready to sell products of interest to you, there is no doubt your life would be affected positively and perhaps will never have to file for unemployment. Not only that, manufacturers of those products would be able to hire more workers. Shipping and delivery companies also would see the need to hire more workers. The President cannot do it alone. We all need to contribute."

Although the primary goal is to help people stay connected regardless of time and distance, PrimeHangout is willing to expand that platform. Registration is free.

"We are not saying that our idea is better. It is not the only answer to this economic gloom and doom, but a way to assist the President in his effort to reduce the ever-increasing unemployment numbers. A problem of this magnitude requires contributions from everywhere," said Balogun.

"The idea of an Internet Mall within a social network is an idea whose time has come and we intend to open this to the general public the week of July 4, at:"

PrimeHangout App for iPhone, iPad and Android is available.

PrimeHangout provides communication via video.

((Comments on this story may be sent to

Copyright 2011 Close-Up Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

NSW:Pair charged over deliberately lit fires

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Pair charged over deliberately lit fires

Two teenagers have been charged with deliberately starting a fire in bushland near
an old people's home in northern NSW.

The pair, aged 17 and 18, were allegedly seen gathering dry grass and twigs and then
setting it alight in Blairs Gully, in Walcha last night.

Rural Fire Service crews extinguished the fires, but there were fears they could have
spread to the nearby home and a hotel.

Police arrested the pair at local homes last night and charged them with setting fire
to Crown land.

The older man was refused bail to appear at Tamworth Local Court today, while the younger
man was given conditional bail and is due at Walcha Children's Court in January.

AAP RTV mdg/psm/


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA:SA man jailed for wife's murder

AAP General News (Australia)
SA:SA man jailed for wife's murder

A South Australian man who tried to pass off his wife's stab wounds as suicide .. will
spend the next 24 years behind bars for her murder.

After two Supreme Court trials .. 37-year-old CRAIG AARON COCKS has been found guilty
of stabbing his wife 13 times and strangling her early last year .. in their Adelaide

He'd claimed she did it to herself after talking him into an impromptu suicide pact
.. to escape their financial woes.

Justice TRISH KELLY has told COCKS the murder was callous and brutal .. with his wife's
wounds showing she'd tried to defend herself.

She's jailed COCKS for life with a non parole period of 24 years.

AAP RTV lk/tm


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW:Rate peg too low, say NSW councils

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Rate peg too low, say NSW councils

SYDNEY, Dec 10 AAP - Councils in NSW say a new rateS cap of 2.8 per cent won't cover
their escalating costs, and are calling for the state government to scrap rate pegging

The rateS increases will be pegged at 2.8 per cent in 2011-12, in the first determination
by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

IPART was given responsibility in June for setting rateS increases, which were previously
determined by the state government.

However, local governments say the cap has been set too low and have called for rate
pegging to be scrapped in NSW, the only state in Australia to have it.

"The 2.8 per cent rate cap still falls well short of the real cost increases facing
councils, making it difficult for councils to meet the growing service and infrastructure
needs of local communities," said Keith Rhoades, president of the Local Government Association
of NSW.

President of the Shires Association of NSW, Bruce Miller, said the cap did not take
into account the infrastructure backlog faced by local government.

"The reality is the rate cap is simply not enough to cover our escalating expenses,
let alone address the $6 billion infrastructure renewal backlog we currently face," he
said in a statement.

"Yes, the figure is in line with the current CPI - but councils already have to deal
with an inadequate share of taxation and a bill that totals $440 million every year, for
costs shifted onto us by other levels of government.

"With the state government election looming (in March), there has never been a better
time to get rid of rate pegging."

However, IPART chair Rod Sims said the 2.8 per cent rate peg for 2011-12 would see
councils' revenues increase in line with their increased costs, while also encouraging
them to become more efficient.

"We have based our decision on the increase in the Local Government Cost Index, which
IPART has developed and which is being released with this decision," Mr Sims said in a

"The index increased by three per cent in the year to September 2010.

"We have then subtracted a productivity adjustment of 0.2 per cent from the increase
in the index to determine a rate peg amount of 2.8 per cent.

"This approach will see council general revenues increase in line with an index that
reflects council costs and will encourage local governments to continue to improve the
efficiency of their operations."

AAP ab/tr/dep


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA:Coal mine labelled incompatible

AAP General News (Australia)
WA:Coal mine labelled incompatible

PERTH, Aug 3 AAP - A proposed coal mine near the West Australian town of Margaret River
would be totally out of place in the popular wine and tourist region, the state's peak
environment group says.

Mining company LD Operations has begun community consultations for its Vasse Coal Project
about 15km from the town and says the mine would employ up to 200 workers.

But some residents, wineries and tourist operators have objected to the proposed underground
mine, fearing it could tarnish what makes the region attractive to locals and visitors.

The Conservation Council of WA says Margaret River is a world class winery, tourism
and surfing drawcard not suited to mines or to exploration oil drilling that has been
proposed for off the coast.

"Heavy industrial operations like oil drilling and coal mining are totally incompatible
with everything that makes the Margaret River region Western Australia's favourite holiday
destination," council director Piers Verstegen said.

A coal mine would have a range of serious environmental impacts including air pollution
damaging to human health and surrounding wineries, he said in a statement.

The mining could also have major impacts on the region's precious groundwater, Mr Verstegen said.

"Given the vulnerability of Australia's southwest to a drying climate, there is no
case to support coal mining in the area, which would only add to the climate change problem."

AAP ldj/scj


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Police roll out alcohol awareness campaign across NSW

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Police roll out alcohol awareness campaign across NSW

By Belinda Cranston

SYDNEY, Dec 21 AAP - A campaign that aims to crack down on the supply of alcohol to
minors is needed to change community attitudes towards drinking, police say.

While underaged drinking in pubs and clubs has declined across NSW, an alarming number
of young people at locations including parks, shopping centres and beaches are negatively
impacted by the effects of alcohol, Police Minister Michael Daley told reporters on Monday.

"These people have got their alcohol from somewhere," he said.

"They haven't gotten it themselves, someone has bought it for them."

Extra police will patrol areas outside licensed premises such as bottle shops to stem
a growing concern that minors are offering money to adults passing by to buy alcohol for

Anyone who does supply a minor with alcohol can be issued with an on-the-spot fine of $1,100.

If a case is taken to court, the offender faces fines of up to $11,000 and/or 12 months
imprisonment, Mr Daley said.

It is ok for a parent or carer to serve small amounts of alcohol to minors in the home
on special occasions, Mr Daley said, but "It is another thing entirely for mum or dad
to buy a case of grog for their 16- or 17-year-old son and send him out to a party.

"It's not acceptable and it's a crime."

Police hope the Supply Means Supply campaign will change attitudes in the community
towards drinking.

"We want friends and family to take some personal responsibility for their actions
when it comes to alcohol - and that includes ensuring that we do not expose our younger
people to alcohol before they can make responsible decisions," Mr Daley said.

Professor Ian Webster, Director of the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation,
said emergency department admissions at hospitals were largely alcohol related.

"In our public hospitals a huge amount of the work that goes on there is related to
alcohol," he told reporters.

He believes 70 per cent of police work is also alcohol-related.

While young people have strong bodies and can tolerate quantities of alcohol that adults
can't, "their brains and minds are extraordinarily vulnerable," Prof Webster said.

"Their brains can be directly affected by alcohol, and on to their memory, their behaviours,
their thinking, their learning processes..."

Flow-on effects include acts of violence being committed and road traffic accidents,
Prof Webster said.

"To be involved in alcohol early in a young person's life predicts their likelihood
of continuing to drink alcohol, and more especially, a problem with mental health," he

"I can tell you that alcohol is one of the strongest predictors of risks of suicide
in all of the population, but particularly for young people."

"It is a depressant. If people are at all sad or suffering from a depressive illness,
the addition of alcohol to that makes it worse."

Prof Webster believes alcohol plays a part in 30 per cent of suicides.

Television commercials made for the Supply Means Supply campaign will be shown in regional
NSW from Monday, including Griffith, Port Macquarie, Lismore, Ballina, on the Central
Coast, Wollongong, Dubbo and in Goulburn.

The advertisements can also be viewed on YouTube.

AAP bc/hn/cjb/de


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: The NSW snow report for Sunday, August 12, 2009

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: The NSW snow report for Sunday, August 12, 2009

SYDNEY, Aug 12 AAP - The NSW snow report for Sunday, August 12:

THREDBO: Slopes received a 1cm dusting of snow on Tuesday night, providing good cover
across the resort. Top temperature of zero degrees celsius, with cloudy weather and light
now flurries forecast. All lifts will operating on Tuesday.

PERISHER: 2cm of new snow in the past 24 hours, with falls continuing throughout Wednesday.

Good, firm cover on all runs, which will soften later in the day. 48 lifts in operation.

CHARLOTTE PASS: A blanket of snow covers the resort after 5cm of falls on Tuesday and
overnight. Light snow on Wednesday, with a top temperature of zero degrees forecast. Snow
will continue on Thursday. Five lifts operating.

SELWYN: Complete cover for skiers and boarders of all levels. No new snow in the past
24 hours. Eight lifts open. Partly cloudy day with occasional snow forecast.

AAP ab


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Unemployment will rise higher than the forecast 7pct: Swan

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Unemployment will rise higher than the forecast 7pct: Swan

WAYNE SWAN says Australia's unemployment rate will climb higher than the government's
previous forecast of seven per cent.

The OECD's reccently tipped unemployment will reach an average of 10 per cent across
the developed world .. while growth is projected to shrink by 4.3 per cent.

The Treasurer's told ABC Television this means Australia's growth will be slower ..

and unemployment higher than forecast in February .. but that these forecasts will be
updated in the May budget.

Mr SWAN's played down the implications of February's retail sales figures .. released
today .. which show retail spending suffered its biggest monthly slump since the introduction
of the GST in 2000.

The treasurer's denied it shows how quickly the effects of the Rudd government's stimulus
packages are exhausted .. saying sales were still above November's level.

He says retail sales and consumption in Australia are holding up in a way not seen
in just about any other developed country in the world.

AAP RTV mj/tm


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: The John S McCain remembers the Great White Fleet

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: The John S McCain remembers the Great White Fleet

By Greg Roberts

MELBOURNE, Aug 29 AAP - The USS John S McCain powered into Port Melbourne today marking
100 years since the United States' Great White Fleet sailed into Port Phillip Bay.

On August 29, 1908, the fleet of 16 battleships, all painted white, and 14,000 sailors
captured the imagination of Victoria.

The fleet was part of the US making a statement that it was a superpower and helped
Australia form an alliance with the Americans.

The John S McCain is named after the Republican presidential candidate's father and
grandfather, both four star admirals.

The destroyer's commander John Banigan said it was more powerful than the entire Great
White Fleet.

"We are honoured to be part of the 100 years as it (the cruise 100 years ago) put forward
the US as a world power," he told reporters.

"We established a coalition with Australia and its significance was causing the onset
of a navy here."

Commander Banigan said the 14 year-old destroyer had recently attended the coronation
of the King of Tonga while the crew of about 300 sailors took part in centenary celebrations
in Sydney last week and now Melbourne.

"I have told them not to get in trouble but to have fun because they've worked hard," he said.

Combat system officer Chris England said about 20 to 25 per cent of the ship's crew
would stay in hotels around Melbourne over the next week to get a break from the ship.

"They go to hotels so they don't have to wear flip flops in the shower and shower or
sleep around other people," he told reporters.

"They will most definitely be going to baths too."

The John S McCain served in the second Gulf War in 2003, is 154 metres long and 19.5
metres at its widest point and weighs 85,000 tonnes.

AAP gr/szp/jxt/cjh/de


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

National Newslist for Thursday, April 24, 2008

AAP General News (Australia)
National Newslist for Thursday, April 24, 2008
Good Morning News Editors and Chiefs of Staff
AAP's National Newslist for today (not for publication):
This is a guide only and stories are subject to change.

AAP's news editors Joanne Williamson and Nalita Ferraz can be contacted on 02 93228611/8610.

- Torch relay underway
- Thousands of pro-China, pro-Tibet protesters in Canberra
- AFP officers at one stage pull Chinese attendants from runners
- Minor incidents ahead of start; one protester who tried to jump in front of runners arrested

MELBOURNE - US WWII vets to visit Royal Melbourne Hospital to celebrate hospital's "special
link" with US troops.

SYDNEY - Gough Whitlam speaks about his World War II experiences. (09.30)
- Morris Iemma making an Anzac announcement. (0950)
- RSL calls on airport security officials to allow military personnel and veterans to
carry medals on board commercial aircraft.

- Various Anzac previews
- National memorial ceremony in Sydney for HMAS Sydney

- Sentencing submissions for Valentines Day killer Tony Riley.

- Sentencing submissions for boy (name suppressed) who set another boy on fire.

- P-plater who clocked Victoria's highest recorded speed during police chase
- Trial continues of Evangelos Goussis, charged with murder of underworld figure Lewis Moran
- 14-year-old appears in Brisbane court accused of rape.

- Sentencing for heroin addict who killed pensioner and dumped his body in forest.

- Sentencing of youths who bashed off-duty police officer continues in Southport court
- Man charged with the murder of his retired police inspector father and mother due in court

- Adelaide's Flinders Medical Centre to trial a new flu vaccine in a world first.

- Interview with Mary Wilson and Human Nature.

- Photo call for MTV Australia Awards from 12.30pm (AEST), with Wyclef Jean, Mischa Barton,
Juliette Lewis, Eve and The Veronicas.

- Interview with acclaimed violinist Andre Rieu.

- As many as 250,000 full-time employees needed to satisfy current skills demand, new survey

- Trouble-making drunks will face fines of $550 and could be barred from their local pub,
under new laws to be introduced by the NSW government.

- People who throw rocks at cars run the risk of jail time, under tough new laws
- Inquiry into child protection services resumes. (10.00)
- Police press conference on arrest of Bernie Matthews. (10.30)

- Brumby to make announcement on homelessness; regular interview on ABC local radio.

- Handwritten notebook of tonics used by Phar Lap trainer sold at auction for $37,000
- outseeking more on collapse of Geelong trading company Chartwell Enterprises

- Queensland Premier Anna Bligh opens new health research facility.

- Seeking details of pay deal for Premier Bligh's chief of staff Mike Kaiser.

- Preview of Anzac Day in Brisbane.

- Aircraft emergency in Mount Isa.

- Energy Minister raises concerns over power companies over-charging pensioners.

- Adelaide's Flinders Medical Centre to trial a new flu vaccine in a world first.

- Bushfire season extended almost until winter on Kangaroo Island after devastating fires
over summer.

- Master plan released to revamp Adelaide's main mental health facility.

- New chief medical officer appointed in SA.

- Extreme right wing nationalist who conspired to bomb Chinese restaurants in Perth has
been released on parole.

- Chasing more on Stokes failed bid for two seats on the West Australian Newspapers board.

SYDNEY - Explosives maker Orica Ltd has entered a joint venture to establish a non-electric
detonator plant in China's Hunan Province to extend the company's activities in the country.

SYDNEY - Engineer Downer EDI Ltd has bought a telecommunications service provider in New
Zealand to expand its business and capability in the sector there.

SYDNEY - Business software house MYOB Limited has agreed to sell its UK Business Division
to Mamut ASA for STG1.7 million ($A3.59 million) cash.

SYDNEY - Caltex Australia Ltd annual general meeting
BRISBANE - Rio Tinto Ltd annual general meeting
SYDNEY - Spark Infrastructure Group annual general meeting

MELBOURNE - Teams named for Round 6
MELBOURNE - AFL Preview Panel
MELBOURNE - Preview Collingwood v Essendon; media conference with Collingwood coach Michael
Malthouse, 1230 Lexus Centre
MELBOURNE - Preview Fremantle v Geelong, media conference with Geelong coach Mark Thompson,
1110, Melbourne Airport
MELBOURNE - Media conference with Kangaroos coach Dean Laidley, 1100, Arden St
MELBOURNE - Media conference with Essendon utility Andrew Welsh ahead of Anzac Day game,
0930 Windy Hill

SYDNEY - Wrap of NRL news
SYDNEY - NRL Preview Panel
SYDNEY - Preview Dragons v Roosters
BRISBANE - Preview Broncos v Souths

SYDNEY - Wrap of Super 14 news
SYDNEY - Super 14 Preview Panel
SYDNEY - Preview Brumbies v Lions

SYDNEY - Reaction to independent appeals committee decision to allow goalkeeper Danny
Vukovic to be available for the Olympics
ADELAIDE/MELBOURNE - Follow up from Adelaide and Melbourne Asian Champions League matches

CHENNAI, India - Matthew Hayden swatted 81 off 46 balls as his highly-anticipated showdown
with Harbhajan Singh came to little in the Indian Premier League.

PERTH - Aust v India, men's four-nations tournament, 2100 AEST

BEIJING - Aust v NZ in women's Olympic test event, 0015 Friday AEST

SYDNEY - Looking ahead to Derby-Doncaster day at Randwick on Saturday.

MELBOURNE - Preview of Anzac Day meeting at Flemington.

BRISBANE - Throw forward to Eagle Farm fixture on Saturday.

AAP jlw


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Council prevails in duelling corruption claims

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Council prevails in duelling corruption claims

Wollongong City Council has prevailed over a property developer in a case of duelling
corruption claims.

The ICAC has found developer LOU TASICH .. of Tasich Investments .. offered council
officer PETER COYTE a 30-thousand dollar bribe for favourable treatment of a 6.5 million
dollar Wollongong carpark proposal.

Mr TASICH has told the New South Wales corruption watchdog the reverse was true ..

as Mr COYTE had solicited a bribe from him.

ICAC Commissioner JERROLD CRIPPS QC has today cleared Mr COYTE of any wrongdoing.

He's recommended Mr TASICH be charged with bribery and giving false or misleading evidence
to the commission.

But Mr CRIPPS has criticised the council .. saying the ICAC examined why then general
manager ROD OXLEY failed to immediately report the bribery allegation .. when he was informed
about it by Mr COYTE and his supervisor STEPHEN PAYNE.

And it's investigated why Mr OXLEY .. who resigned from the council in June .. informed
Mr TASICH about the allegation without consulting the ICAC.

The ICAC made no findings of corrupt conduct against Mr OXLEY.

AAP RTV pc/was/tm/bart


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Rudd says rate rise 'worrying' = 7

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Rudd says rate rise 'worrying' = 7

Mr Swan refused to rule out the possibility of a Labor government running a deficit budget.

"We would certainly not be running a deficit budget in the set of circumstances we've
got at the moment, we need strong surpluses at the moment," Mr Swan said.

"There are economic cycles that come and go."

MORE pv/sb/jlw


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: NSW nurses launch election ad campaign

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: NSW nurses launch election ad campaign

SYDNEY, Feb 15 AAP - NSW nurses have launched a $1.2 million advertising campaign urging
people to vote Labor in next month's state election.

The NSW Nurses Association (NSWNA) advertisements claim the NSW government has played
a major role in alleviating the state's nurse shortage by protecting nurses from the federal
government's industrial relations laws.

"The people of NSW have a choice as to whether they wish to help keep those protections
in place, and we're asking them to consider that when they go to the ballot box (on March
24)," NSWNA general secretary Brett Holmes said.

More than 100 branches of the association have passed a resolution in the past few
weeks supporting the NSW industrial relations system for public hospitals, Mr Holmes said.

"What we know about the Liberal philosophy on industrial relations is pretty clear," he said.

"Their federal industrial laws are not balanced, they don't provide a fair independent
arbitration to sort out problems, they rely on the power of the employer."

If successful, the campaign will also put the Labor Party under pressure to maintain
its commitment to workplace protection for nurses, the NSWNA said.

"If the people of NSW vote to help protect nurses, then whoever's the beneficiary of
that vote has to take that into consideration," Mr Holmes said.

The advertising campaign will run on major television and radio networks, and in newspapers
in marginal state electorates, from February 16 to March 3.

AAP dmc/klw/it/cdh


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: National health record system stalled: Labor=2

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: National health record system stalled: Labor=2

But today the federal government said the HealthConnect project was on track and a
major agreement had been made at the most recent Council of Australian Governments (COAG)

A spokeswoman for Health Minister Tony Abbott said the meeting had agreed to have a
work schedule in place by 2009, a "considerable" step involving consensus about protocols
and terminology.

The governments also agreed to accelerate the electronic health record agenda, and
for an additional $130 million to be invested in the National E-Health Transition Authority,
the body responsible for developing the electronic records.

She said the federal government could not act alone on the health agenda and had to
collaborate closely with the states and territories through the health ministers conferences
and COAG.

"HealthConnect is still operational and on track and we are learning some very valuable
lessons from the trials that have been going on in Tasmania and the Northern Territory,"

the spokeswoman said.

"The minister has expressed his frustration with how slow things are moving, but it
is very complicated, and it's moving ahead.

"The agreement at COAG recently is a big stem in the right direction."

AAP jb/cjh/bwl


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: Beattie petitions for more doctors

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Beattie petitions for more doctors

Premier PETER BEATTIE'S collected signatures from the public .. while campaigning for
more university places for doctors in Queensland.

He'll present the petition to Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD .. who Mr BEATTIE claims is
responsible for not providing enough doctor training places in Queensland .. instead favouring
Victoria in the lead up to its state election.

Mr BEATTIE says there are third world countries that have a higher doctor to patient
ratio than Australia.

He says Queensland needs an extra 325 medical places in universities .. but may get only 50.

AAP RTV rl/t/cp


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

term for years

term for years See term of years.


So often I hear stories about care givers.People are providing care to their parents, aunts, uncles and loved ones -- both family members and non-family members.

We do not realize the planning and sacrifices needed in order to provide care.

Annually our nation spends $32 billion for home health care.

And $83 billion is spent for nursing-home care annually.

The estimate of unpaid care giving is roughly equivalent to one-fifth of the nation's total annual health care costs, according to a National Council on Aging study.

This is the first systematic, nationwide estimate of what it would cost to care for chronically and terminally ill adults if family and friends did not donate their services.

Caregiver is a growing role in the United States.

Many people with chronic illnesses and health problems wish to remain in their own homes.

Some opt to live with a caregiver versus long-term care placement.

The role of caregiving requires planning and the assistance of available community services.

I researched caregiving on the Internet and found an article from the National Council on Aging's web site.

NCOA's web site can be found at The article is titled, Aging in Place Takes Planning, written by George and Emily Watson.

The Watsons are the authors of The Calling -- A Journey on the Path of Parent Care, a handbook offering practical advice and solutions for caregiving and end-of-life issues.

The article recognizes that older adults want to age in place.

They do not want to uproot themselves or their family members.

The Watsons cared for their own parents for 20 years.

They suggest that caregivers "take stock of where you are, and find out as much as you can to prepare for challenges that lie ahead."

The authors recognize that the role of caregiving has two paths.

Caregiving can start slowly (acquiring chores and duties that your loved one can no longer handle) or the role of caregiving can take place suddenly (you may assume responsibilities when a loved one has had a stroke, heart attack or an accident). Due to the latter, many caregivers find their new role overwhelming.

Both gradual and sudden caregivers experience stress in caring for aging parents or loved ones.

Even though many people plan career and retirement, often they do not expect to care for a parent.

Few people realize the time involved in caregiving.

They do not realize how their lives will be affected.

Rather, people tell themselves that parents have insurance or Medicare will cover the cost of caregiving.

Others wait until care is needed and then become overwrought in their search for options and answers to caregiving questions.

Suggestions in preparation for caregiving include:

[] Learn what you can about your particular situation; seek to understand the condition or physical ailment of the older person, make your home accessible to your loved one (especially the bathroom), take time to learn in advance (if possible) what Medicare and secondary/supplemental insurance cover, make sure medical or advanced directives are in order.

[] Build your support system.

Decide who would be the most appropriate caregiver, who is sensitive to the needs and wishes of your parent, who can communicate easily with your parent and keep family members informed, who will make time to be there.

[] Take time for yourself.

Know what rejuvenates you and do it.

Learn to let go of daily expectations and just live.

The authors found rewards far outweighed the sacrifices in caring for their parents.

If you would like more information on services available, such as respite care, call The Senior Services Center of Will County at (815) 723-9713.

Remember that you are not alone.

Caregiving is a labor of love, patience and hard work.

Recognize the need for support systems.

Take care of yourself, so you can continue to care for your loved one.

Kelly Myers is the development director for the Senior Services Center of Will County.

She writes about seniors issues.



TRAVELLERS not keen on staying overnight in a large hotel on a major street in the current travel climate have an alternative: serviced apartment accommodation.

Serviced apartments tend to be in quieter roads, in discreet buildings, have more home comforts and, what is more, they can save the traveller substantial sums.

For years minimum-stay requirements and insufficient rooms in the right places prevented a big switch to this type of accommodation. Executives relocating and holidaymakers have been filling them in the main.

David Witham, vice president hotel and car relations worldwide at global business travel agent Carlson Wagonlit Travel, says he is inundated by a range of clients wanting to send the likes of auditors, salespeople and maintenance staff to long-stay apartments, the average stay being three weeks.

Arguably Europe's largest operator is the Citadine group. It has four apartment hotels in London and more than 60 across continental Europe, all equivalent to a three-star hotel. There is no pool, fitness centre, bar or restaurant and rooms are a little stark but there is a breakfast service, voicemail telephones, business facilities available through the front desk and meeting space.

Prices for a one-bedroom studio in London, for example, start at [pound]105 per night, and for a one-bedroom apartment (which sleeps four) from [pound]157 per night. Stays over one week bring the nightly rate down to [pound]94 and [pound]141 respectively.

Secondary cities have not missed out on the trend. Central Apartments, for example, operates a smart-looking apartment block in downtown Manchester, just by the nightlife area of Canal Street, and a onebed unit here costs [pound]94 per night (including VAT) until mid November, reducing to [pound]88 per night for stays over 30 days. The company also runs three apartment blocks in London.

All their properties are equivalent Business Travel edited by Gillian Upton to four-star hotels and each apartment has internet access, a DVD player, fax line, CD player, plus daily maid service.

One notch up again is Circus Apartments, an upmarket, fivestar equivalent complex in Canary Riverside in London, with the same owner as the chic Metropolitan and Halkin hotels in London.

Each one or two-bedroom apartment is fitted with kitchen, separate guest bathroom, CD and DVD players, Sony widescreen TV, phone and fax lines, voicemail and modem point. There is a business centre, 24-hour concierge and, it is hoped in the long run, to offer a takeaway service from Ubon, the sister Japanese restaurant to Nobu, which is inside the Metropolitan Hotel.

Daily rates are [pound]225 for a onebed apartment, at least a third less than the equivalent one-bed suite in a five-star hotel. These come down to [pound]214 per night for stays of more than seven days, [pound]180 for more than 30 days and [pound]150 for more than 90 days.

In normally-expensive New York, for example, there are 13 apartments operated by Manhattan East Suite Hotels, all equivalent to a five-star hotel.

A one-bed suite at any of these would be [pound]226 per night.

Marriott's Executive Residences, in Hong Kong, Budapest, Brussels and in Tokyo by the yearend, are at the top end of the market and each is located next door to a Marriott Hotel so you can also enjoy the hotel's facilities. A one-bedroom apartment in Budapest starts at [pound]126 per night and goes down to [pound]68 per night for stays of more than eight days.

"Apartments are better value even on one-night stays," says Charles McCrow, managing director of The Apartment Service, a booking service for travellers.

"We're always getting converts from hotel stayers and we could do with more players."

Gillian Upton All in one: the Manchester apartments are compact and convenient

Newbridge Networks Announces Multiservices Remote Access Solution.

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 26, 1999--NEWBRIDGE (TSE:NNC.) (NYSE:NN) Newbridge Solution Extends Business Class Virtual Private Network Services to Remote Users

COMNET - Newbridge Networks (NYSE:NN)(TSE:NNC) today announced the release of its Multiservices Remote Access Solution (M-RAS), an integral part of the Newbridge(R) Versatile IP solution unveiled last November. The Siemens / Newbridge MainStreetXpress(TM) 36100 Access Concentrator, cornerstone of the Newbridge M-RAS offering, now extends the functionality of the Versatile IP solution to enable service providers to deliver premium Internet protocol VPNs to mobile users, telecommuters and remote office workers.

The Newbridge Versatile IP solution leverages the core strengths of the Newbridge switched routing product portfolio, including its multiservices infrastructure and comprehensive end-to-end service management, to offer a suite of standards-based solutions. The solutions enable service providers to capitalize on the exploding market for value-added services by delivering premium IP VPN services to business customers. According to a comprehensive Yankee Group study, the Newbridge approach also allows service providers to reduce their own cost of ownership by as much as 37 percent over conventional routing approaches.

The Newbridge Versatile IP solution enables service providers to seamlessly blend the best attributes of private enterprise networks, the Internet and their own shared public network resources to offer the optimal mix of control, reliability, reach and cost options.

M-RAS expands the capabilities of Versatile IP to deliver remote access to business VPNs. The broad range of interfaces the solution provides, coupled with powerful service management, give service providers the flexibility to connect customers, irrespective of geography, technology or budget.

"The managed remote access market is about to explode worldwide, creating a tremendous opportunity for service providers," said Jim Arseneault, Executive Vice President, IP & Internetworking Products Group, Newbridge Networks. "The Newbridge M-RAS solution offers an effective, profitable way to manage access for Internet service providers (ISPs) and enterprises that want to concentrate on their core businesses and lower the costs of supporting remote users. As such, the solution is a natural and powerful extension to Versatile IP."

M-RAS allows service providers to sell packaged Internet and VPN access services to other service providers, such as ISPs, or directly to businesses. These service providers and businesses can, in turn, provide virtual access ports to their customers or end users. The solution combines a number of access technologies, including analog, integrated services digital network (ISDN), digital subscriber line (xDSL) and voice over IP (VoIP) into a package with integrated management and provisioning.

M-RAS also provides integrated services management for multiple access technologies and centralized access policy management. Consolidated management enables service providers to lower costs while effectively servicing the network edge. The solution also allows service providers to organize dial services by access speed and type and tailor VPN policies to the needs of the customer, regardless of where they reside on the network.

Newbridge M-RAS Product Portfolio

MainStreetXpress 36100 Access Concentrator

The Newbridge M-RAS solution centers on the MainStreetXpress 36100 Access Concentrator, which provides dial, ISDN and dedicated access services for an ISP or business customer. The flexibility of the MainStreetXpress 36100 concentrator enables it to function as either a standalone high-performance access concentrator, or as an integral part of a Carrier Switched Routing (CSR) network offering premium IP VPN services. The Newbridge Carrier Switched Routing product portfolio comprises the following components:

MainStreetXpress 36170 Multiservices Switch

The industry-leading Siemens / Newbridge MainStreetXpress 36170 Multiservices Switch provides asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) concentration and broadband switching services, among its multiservice, multi-access capabilities. ADSL cards installed in the MainStreetXpress 36170 switch concentrate ADSL services that originate from MainStreetXpress 27020 ADSL modems located at the end customer site.

Newbridge Internetworking Services Card (ISC)

The Newbridge Internetworking Services Card (ISC) forms an integral component of the Newbridge Carrier Switched Routing product portfolio. When installed in the MainStreetXpress 36170 Multiservices Switch, it enables available interface cards to act as integral service points. The ISC card also gives Layer 3 forwarding capabilities to all MainStreetXpress 36170 interface cards. A single card can support up to 700 service points and a single switched routing network can scale to support as many as 12,800 secure IP VPNs.

MainStreetXpress 56020 Routing Services Control Point (RSCP)

The MainStreetXpress 56020 RSCP provides routing policy and information, emulating conventional router processor and policy server functionality on a network-wide basis.

M-RAS: The Service Provider Market

Gartner Group estimates that the number of remote workers will increase to more than 100 million by 2002. M-RAS enables new generation service providers, such as competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) and ISPs to compete profitably with larger carriers by offering lower-cost multi-access services that simplify the management and provisioning of VPN services.

"Service providers and end users are steadily migrating toward IP-based VPNs to gain a competitive business advantage," said Ron Westfall, research analyst with Current Analysis. "The Newbridge M-RAS solution is a key component of the Company's VPN strategy. It addresses the remote and site-to-site aspects of evolving VPN implementations and extends the Newbridge Versatile IP initiative to the edge of the network."

The M-RAS solution enables service providers to: -0-

 -    Lower total cost of ownership by reducing the number of required      modems and consolidating network and service management; -    Sell new value-added services, such as remote access VPNs and      virtual modem pooling; -    Increase revenue by providing add-on applications, such as      distributed call centers based on VoIP; -    Offload Internet traffic from the voice network. 

M-RAS also targets the emerging enterprise service provider (ESP) market. ESPs are large enterprises that choose to act as internal service providers. They rely on carrier-class infrastructures that extend both the reach and the services they offer across their networks. Using M-RAS, ESPs benefit from the same cost savings associated with the shared remote access resources as carriers. The solution enables ESPs to: -0-

 -    Respond quickly and easily to increased demand for remote access      services; -    Lower costs by consolidating remote and site-to-site VPNs; -    Manage separate virtual modem pools for multiple departments; -    Introduce broadband services for remote users.       Newbridge Networks (NYSE:NN)(TSE:NNC) designs, manufactures, markets and services networking solutions to organizations in more than 100 countries. The Company leverages its relationship with a growing family of Newbridge Affiliate companies and strategic alliances with Siemens and 3Com Corporation to deliver seamless, end-to-end solutions. Newbridge customers include the world's 300 largest telecommunications service providers and more than 10,000 corporations, government organizations and other institutions. Founded in 1986, the Company employs more than 6,000 people on six continents. News and information are available at      Newbridge, logo are registered trademarks of Newbridge Networks Corporation.      MainStreetXpress is a trademark used by the Siemens and Newbridge alliance for comprehensive solutions in broadband communication. No agency relationship, partnership, or joint ownership of a legal entity is to be inferred or implied by the use of the term alliance.   

Sunday, February 26, 2012

- News Alert - (OTCBB: MWIP): MediSwipe Inc. announced that the company has signed ten (10) new merchant services agreements.

M2 PRESSWIRE-July 19, 2011-OTC Market Wire: - News Alert - (OTCBB: MWIP): MediSwipe Inc. announced that the company has signed ten (10) new merchant services agreements.(C)1994-2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS


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MediSwipe Inc. announced that the company has signed ten (10) new merchant services agreements.

- - July 18, 2011 - - MediSwipe Inc. ( (OTCBB:MWIP - News), a leading company specializing in merchant payment solutions and financial products for the medical health care industries and mobile payment industry, announced that the company has signed ten (10) new merchant services agreements with wellness centers, medical dispensaries and Internet businesses not related to the medical sector, exceeding $500,000 in gross monthly processing volume or $6,000,000 annually.

Under the newly signed agreements, MediSwipe will provide merchant services, cash advance, debit and loyalty cards and personal digitized healthcare records to wellness centers and medical dispensaries located in Colorado and California. The new agreements also include payment services to Internet based businesses not providing medication. The Company has also expanded merchant agreements this month to the 800 Commerce division covering non-medical related merchant agreements including e-commerce sites, penny auction sites, credit repair and vitamin sales.

"We are very pleased with our progress and increase in revenue stream as a result of our new expansion within our agent program. We expect to sign between five to ten new merchants each week, and are shooting for one million in new processing volume each month as a minimum in new business. Although we keep our profit margins very tight on the processing side, we believe that as we continue to grow our client base on the merchant processing side, these clients will take advantage of our other services we offer, dramatically increasing our revenue stream over the next two quarters," stated B. Michael Friedman, CEO of MediSwipe Inc.

About MWIP: MediSwipe Inc. ( offers a full spectrum of secure and reliable transaction processing and security solutions for the medical and healthcare industries, using traditional, Internet Point-of-Sale (POS), e-commerce and mobile (wireless) terminals. The Company now also offers digitized personal health records in conjunction with Industry Alliance Partners. MediSwipe offers reliable merchant payment solutions and closed loop pre-paid stored value and loyalty cards as a unique cash alternative to these regulated and ecommerce businesses specializing within the healthcare sector.

For additional information about MWIP, please visit

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The information contained herein includes forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events or future financial performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond our control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflect our current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to our operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. We assume no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future. The safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 protects companies from liability for their forward- looking statements if they comply with the requirements of the Act.

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JERUSALEM, Israel -- The following information was released by Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

The website in Russian significantly extends the MFA's capability to present the true face of Israel to a large international audience and to refute the lies and distorted facts spread by our enemies.

MFA Russian site

(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

The new MFA website in the Russian language was officially launched today (Wednesday, 22 June 2011). While the content of the site is similar to that of the other MFA sites, it also includes extensive information regarding the bilateral diplomatic relationship between Israel and the Russian speaking countries.

The site has been subjected to a testing process over the past two months to analyze all aspects of the site's functionality from both a content and technical point of view.

The site addresses the populations of Russia and the Russian-speaking countries, with the aim of ensuring that information and news from Israel is accessible and available as widely as possible.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman praised the development team on the launching of the site, and stated that "the launching of the MFA website in the Russian language will allow us to communicate information from Israel to a large audience of 270 million Russian-speakers throughout the world, thus strengthening Israel's international standing. The Internet is the most important information platform of the 21st century, and now, at a time when a vast delegitimization campaign is being waged against Israel, a site like this becomes even more important. The Russian website joins the array of MFA sites in English, Arabic and Persian, and significantly extends the MFA's capability to present the true face of Israel to a large international audience and to refute the lies and distorted facts spread by our enemies."

Saturday, February 25, 2012

MOG Makes Streaming Music Service Available on LG Electronics' Blu-ray Players and Home Theater Systems.

MOG, a provider of media solutions and services, announced the availability of its streaming music service on LG Electronics' Internet connected devices through LG's new Smart TV platform on Blu-ray Disc players and Home Theater Systems.

After selecting the MOG application, music lovers can search, browse and play millions of songs, on-demand from the comfort of their living rooms.

"MOG remains focused on ensuring our users have the best listening experience wherever they are, and thanks to LG's Smart TV platform, consumers can now enjoy high-quality, on-demand streaming of music in the living room," said David Hyman, CEO of MOG." We designed this app specifically for the living room and can't wait for people to experience the gorgeous graphics, simplicity of the app, and high quality audio. It's great to be aligned with a company such as LG, a technology leader in consumer electronics."

The MOG app for LG Electronics' Internet-connected devices was specifically designed for an unsurpassed living room listening experience including gorgeous visuals and the highest quality audio.

LG customers can access MOG on the following new LG Blu-ray players and home theater surround sound systems:

- LG Blu-ray players: BD650, BD670, BD690

- LG Home Theater systems: LHB336, LHB536, LHB976

MOG is also available on LG's new Smart TV Upgrader, a set top box that gives any television with an HDMI input the ability to access the LG Smart TV platform. MOG will soon be available on LG Electronics Smart TV Enabled HDTVs.

((Comments on this story may be sent to

Vampirism: clinical vampirism--Renfield's syndrome.(CE ARTICLE: 1 CE CREDIT: A CASE STUDY)(Cover story)(Case study)


This article on clinical vampirism also known as Renfield's syndrome presents an overview of this rare syndrome and gives perspective into clinical practice with a "vampire" client through a case study. Additionally, other people who drink animal blood and receive injections of their own blood for nutrition and health reasons are discussed. Implications and suggestions for further peer-reviewed articles and research studies are given. Clinical vampirism or Renfield's syndrome is a mental illness characterized by an obsession with drinking one's own blood (auto vampirism) and the blood of other humans and animals (zoophagia). Clinical vampirism is not recognized in the DSM-IV-TR (2000) as a separate disorder, and peer-reviewed literature and research are scarce, although clinical vampirism has been mentioned in psychological and fictional literature for many years (von Krafft-Ebing, 1886; Vanden Bergh & Kelly, 1964; Prins, 1985; Noll, 1992; Gubb, Segal, Khota, & Dicks 2006).


Renfield's Syndrome

Renfield's syndrome, also called clinical vampirism, is usually found in males: Clients are often diagnosed with a DSM-IV-TR psychiatric diagnosis such as schizophrenia or one of the paraphilias in the psychiatric arena based on their behavioral manifestations, such as delusions of being a vampire, fetishes, and compulsive blood-drinking. Hemphill and Zabow (1983) suggest that clinical vampirism is not considered a primary symptom of an Axis I psychiatric diagnosis or a primary symptom of a personality disorder on Axis II of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This is evidenced in other professional publications as well (Prins, 1984; Gubb, Segal, Khota, & Dicks, 2006; O'Neal, 2009). Reports in medical literature on vampirism date back more than 100 years. These focus also on compulsive blood drinking, psychoses, a preoccupation and "an affinity with death" (O'Neal, 20009), in addition to medical disease etiologies for the origin ofvampirism (Jenkins, 2010). An intensive literature search and an Internet search of the Crime Library revealed that significantly more references to vampire ritualistic behaviors are found in criminal records (Miller, Veltkamp, Kraus, Lane, & Heister, 1999; O'Neal, 2009), crime literature and movies (Gabbard & Gabbard, 1987; Tucker, 1994), and in fictional literature such as Bram Stoker's (1897) novel Dracula and Anne Rice's 10 novels, the Vampire Chronicles, written between 1976 and 2003, than in peer-reviewed psychiatric or psychotherapy literature. Gubb et al. (2006) state, "Vampirism, regardless of the definition used, is rarely seen in clinical psychiatric practice," and "references to the subject in professional texts have decreased since the 1940s and there is a paucity of research on the condition." Most information on Renfield's syndrome in professional publications is old.

Richard Noll (1992) is credited with first coining the term Renfield's syndrome. Renfield, Count Dracula's assistant, is a character in Stoker's Dracula. Renfield ate flies, spiders, and birds because he longed for their life force.

It is thought that Renfield's syndrome progresses in stages from licking or sipping one's own blood (auto vampirism) to drinking animal blood and eating live animals (zoophagia) to true vampirism--that of drinking the blood of others (Noll, 1992). Blood drinkers seen in the clinical arenas believe that drinking blood gives them a sense of power and control (Noll, 1992) and that the blood is a life force they need. They often believe the fantasy that ingesting blood helps them gain immortality. Additionally, vital energy is infused back into them in the case of auto vampirism and infused from others in the case of true vampirism.

A seemingly similar phenomenon is also noted in the case of medicinal own-blood injections or own-blood therapy, sometimes seen in Europe. In German, this is called Eigenblut-Injektionen (Krebs, 2008). Vital energy and health are the reasons that many Europeans and those from other countries say they drink animal blood and have eaten blood "wurst" all their lives: to maintain their health and make them healthier. These people are not seen in the psychological arena. They are not considered "abnormal" and are not considered zoophaginists. They are apparently not sexually aroused when eating and drinking blood or receiving injections of their own blood. They are often seen in medical facilities for medical checkups or illnesses, and in marketplaces and meat stores selling blood "wurst" and in restaurants on slaughter day, when flesh blood "wurst" of different sorts are on the menu and considered nutritional delicacies.

Practices such as these do not support Noll's (1992) notion that drinking blood breaks a cultural taboo on such practice and that breaking taboos is exciting; therefore, the process becomes rewarding. Considering cultural perspectives on the ingestion of blood, vampirism, where clients think they are vampires and practice vampiristic behaviors, must be differentiated from those who receive own-blood injections, drink blood, and eat coagulated blood for medicinal reasons or those who eat blood food products as delicacies. These people report that the taste of blood is not exciting. Most people--adults and children alike--who prick their finger, drawing blood, immediately put their finger in their mouth, also experiencing the taste of blood, but do not get aroused. Some professionals believe that this phenomenon has its roots in a psychophysiology (reflex) perspective and in a medical/survival perspective because saliva is a natural disinfectant that all humans and animals have (Oppawsky, personal communication, August 14, 2010). Dogs also lick their wounds, as the saying goes. Therefore, the acceptance of the taste or ingestion of blood can be understood as multifactorial with biological, sociological, and psychological roots.

A dearth of peer-reviewed professional psychological/psychotherapy/psychiatric literature and research of any kind exists on Renfield's syndrome-clinical vampirism. One exception is Gubb et al.'s (2006) article, which includes a review of clinical vampirism with a well-written, detailed case study describing a different type of vampirism called "psychic vampirism." Leaning on various Internet-site references, they write, "Psychic vampires are defined as the consumers of the energy of others, rather than their blood, or other bodily fluids, but still have the aim of taking the victim's life-giving powers in order to sustain them without resorting to physical contact with the victim." In a review of 25 psychological journals from 1950 to 2010, only a few references to psychic vampirism were found (Auerbach, 1995; Gubb et al., 2006). Gubb et al. affirmed that they "were unable to find a single case report of psychic vampirism in the professional literature." One definition of psychic vampirism was found in the Encyclopedia of Metaphysical Medicine (1979). The definition included physical and sexual contact but not blood sipping or drinking. A few personal accounts found on the Internet in blogs and home pages from those who believe they are psychic vampires substantiate that some psychic vampires take the energy and power of others for themselves without physical contact with others, whereas others take these through bodily contact and sexual intercourse.

Vampirism and Psychological Theory

Professional psychiatric literature consistently associates Renfield's syndrome with sexual arousal after puberty (McCully, 1964; Noll, 1992). Noll contends that an event in childhood in which contact with blood is found to be exciting--such as in an injury or drinking of blood--is a precursor for sexual arousal when in contact with blood after puberty. Gubb et al. (2006) write, "From a psychoanalytic perspective, vampirism is an aggressive sexual act with a libidinal component--whereby the drawing of blood from an object results in the vampire achieving sexual excitement and pleasure." They cite Prins (1985) to support these notions. In criminal and fantasy literature on vampires, and some peer-reviewed professional literature, lust, identity problems, sexual excitement, sexual pleasures, masturbation, sense of well-being, empowerment, cruelty, sadism, obsession, power, control, life-enhancing powers, murder, killers, necrophilia, necrophagia, and blood fetish are common terms and themes (von Krafft-Ebing, 1886; Bierman, 1972; Berber, 1998; Jaffe & DiCataldo, 1994; Tucker, 1994; Gubb et al., 2006). Assessing these terms and notions, psychotherapists can make a good case for treating clients with clinical vampirism using a psychodynamic approach, or at least incorporating psychoanalytic thought in an integrative therapeutic approach, i.e. Bierman, Henderson, 1976; Steiner, 1993; Schlozman, 2000; and Gubb et al. Abraham (1925, 1960) espouses on oral eroticism (biting) in one's character formation, and O'Neal (2009) reports, "Vampirism and sexual behavior are clearly linked," remarking that "the 'love bite,' which is considered normal and a fairly common sign of affection, should be an interesting topic of discussion among sexual assault nurse examiners and other investigators who examine bite marks." Freud (1960) purports that in the oral phase, sexual energy is on the mouth, tongue, and lips. Melanie Klein writes about aggressive fantasies in a number of her publications, e.g. in her book Contributions to Psychoanalysis, 1921-1945. Gubb et al. (2006) also report on Fairbairn's (1946) writings on the development of object-relationships, and in the case of maternal deprivation, "An oral sadistic libidinal need is formed."

The psychoanalytic perspective theorists tend to trace the etiology of clinical vampirism to early conflicts in child development and/or traumatic relationships. Millon (1987), who wrote about the etiology of personality disorders and various schizophrenic and psychosomatic disorders from an analytic perspective, defined these as "... splitting or repressing of introjected aggressive impulses engendered by parental hostility, an intrapsychic mechanism requisite to countering the dangers these impulses pose to dependency security, should they achieve consciousness or behavioral expression." Learning theory perspective theorists would concede to the notions of early conflict and traumatic relationships as templates for later problems but add that behaviors need continuous replication and reinforcement to become pervasive clinical symptoms (Fisher & Greenberg, 1977; Millon, 1981). A link between observable phenomena of a client with clinical vampirism and psychoanalytic theory, which focuses on the client's internal experiences in childhood, can serve as a starting point for an integrative biopsychosocial model of understanding clinical vampirism and treatment.

A cognitive-behavior brief treatment therapy was chosen to augment the ongoing mental health case management and psychiatric care afforded the client in the following case study to help the client attain his goals to stop drinking his own blood and the blood of others. The client was not interested in or felt the need to delve into his childhood, and to do so could have resulted in non-compliance with or early termination of therapy. Additionally, proposing a treatment goal of "getting over vampirism" would have severed the therapeutic alliance, resulting in termination of therapy.

The Case Study

Vladimir B. (name changed), Vlad for short, a tall, thin Caucasian 36-year-old male, entered the therapy room dressed in black from head to toe. He had on a black bandanna and wore black sunglasses in black frames. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and black shoes and socks. He wore a black fanny pack around his waist. When asked if he came on his bike, he said, "No, I'm a vampire." In a provocative tone, he said that the fanny pack held his vampire paraphernalia. He immediately opened the pack's zipper and exposed the contents. The pack contained a black tourniquet, a few sterile needles, two thin red rubber tubes and one clear plastic tube about 12 inches long. Each tube had a plastic mouthpiece in one end that looked used and a pipette in the other end that fit into the top of the needles in which syringes usually go. He said, in a tone that conveyed his self-assessment of uniqueness, or perhaps nervousness, "I bet you haven't met anybody that likes and drinks blood and is a vampire." Based on his behaviors and comments, it appeared that his actions were meant to shock. He showed surprise when I disclosed (without revealing that I had not met a vampire) that I knew a number of people and had psychotherapy and nursing clients who liked and drank blood because I had studied, lived, and worked abroad for many years, where drinking blood and eating blood food products were thought to be very healthy. There, these were frequent and natural occurrences. This disclosure helped establish a therapeutic relationship with Vlad and is evidence of the importance of cultural awareness, experience, and competencies of therapists.

Fragments of the Biopsychosocial

Vlad grew up as an only child of a farmer and butcher and his wife, both deceased. He remembers his father as loud with boisterous behaviors and crude, but friendly and affectionate in a rough sort of way: "He gave me a pat now and then;" "he never kissed me." He reported his mother was cold and distant, never touching him that he can recall and never smiling. He remembers that his father drank a shot of fresh blood once or twice a week when he slaughtered the animals and boiled the innards, brain, lung, heart, breast glands, spleen, stomach, kidneys, and liver. He also sliced raw liver very thin and ate that. He made Vlad drink a shot of fresh blood on those days and eat a small slice of raw liver because he was "anemic." He was not forced to eat the innards, but he liked sausage that was put into cleaned intestinal casings. He could not remember liking the blood or liver. He denied any sexual arousal connected with this.

By his history and his documented medical history, Vlad had his first schizophrenic break when he was 21. During that early time, he hallucinated and had various delusions, none vampiristic in nature. He had been on a plethora of psychotropic medications and was compliant on risperidone (Risperdal) and stable at the time of the biopsychosocial assessment. He was in continual psychiatric and case management care for the seriously mentally ill, funded by his managed care provider. He reported being exposed to vampirism for the first time in the "mental health scene." He was "invited" to participate with five other men who considered themselves to be vampires, tapping and drinking their own blood, eventually drinking each other's blood. "I immediately became a vampire. It was like this was what was missing," he said. Vlad found the ingestion of blood to be exciting. He became sexually aroused and believed he felt a sense of power over himself and in control of himself. He felt invincible for the first time since he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Soon, the ritual of drinking his own blood with the men only gave him temporary satisfaction, and he started drinking the blood of the other men. He reported addict-like behavior resulting from his need for blood, but he only associated with and drank the blood of those five men and his own blood. He reported that they all became sexually aroused while drinking each other's blood but that there was no homosexual activity between them. In fact, he was having regular heterosexual contact with his fiancee. He liked to speak of vampirism, rent vampire movies and read vampire literature containing cannibalism, lust-murder, cruelty, and criminal activity, but he was never criminal and did not have these proclivities himself.


Vlad was seeking individual therapy in addition to his ongoing psychiatric and case management care because he had become intensely frightened of AIDS. He had two negative anonymous AIDS tests. He also was engaged to be married, and his fiancee, who knew about his vampirism, wanted him to stop drinking his own blood and the blood of others. He was not willing to give up being a vampire, but he was willing to stop drinking blood. He had already stopped meeting with the men and was down to drinking his own blood "once or twice a week."

Vlad was a longtime member of the seriously mentally ill (SMI) community and had been assigned different case managers over the years. Case managers and psychiatrists manage the needs of these patients but do not do psychotherapy. Up to this point, his delusions and compulsive blood drinking behaviors were embedded in his diagnosis of schizophrenia. He had never received individual or group therapy for this self-defined "compulsive" behavior. As a result of his own request for individual therapy to stop his behaviors, his managed care insurance provider authorized six sessions of individual therapy in addition to his ongoing mental health case management and psychiatric sessions to help him deal with his "addictive behavior" and his "compulsive blood-drinking behavior." His individual therapy sessions could be weekly, biweekly, or monthly. The client and I chose monthly sessions because of the nature and severity of the compulsions and because of his impending marriage in six months. He wanted to have "this condition" under control. This schedule guaranteed him 180 days of commitment to individual therapy rather than 45-90 days. The time frame also gave the client time between sessions to practice abstinence in vivo and to use his strong motivators of his impending marriage and marriage planning to help him accomplish his treatment plan goals. A cognitive-behavior therapy modus was chosen to support his changed cognitions about the unhealthiness of drinking others' blood, which seemed tenuous to me, and because he had already reduced his vampiristic behaviors to auto vampiristic ones as a result. The goals of therapy were zero auto vampiristic activity and zero true vampiristic activity by the end of three months and long-term abstinence from both activities. To rid the client of the belief that he was a vampire was not a goal of therapy. Although I did not know about psychic vampirism at the time of treatment, I thought that trying to strip the client entirely of his vampirism was therapeutically prohibitive and would lead to unsuccessful attempts to control his compulsions and to early termination of therapy.

At the beginning of therapy, the client had already stopped meeting with the other five men and drinking their blood. This continued throughout his therapy. When therapy commenced, the client reported that he was tapping and drinking his own blood about two times a week. The client stated that he reduced this behavior in the first month of therapy to occasional auto vampirism and stopped entirely in the second month of therapy. He reported that he had no bloodletting or blood drinking behaviors by the third session (three months) and wanted to come to therapy weekly or biweekly for the remainder of the six sessions so that he could terminate therapy after the fourth month. After the first session, he never wore his "vampire" outfit again to therapy. After termination, he reported no further bloodletting or blood drinking behaviors in follow-up calls one month and two months after termination of his individual therapy. Another AIDS test had been negative.


Vlad was exposed to animal blood and had consumed animal blood and food products made of animal blood since childhood. Although his biopsychosocial information indicates that he fits the predisposing criteria for Renfield's syndrome recognized in professional literature, such as exposure to and ingestion of blood at an early age, and he had experienced a distant and cold mother-child relationship, he never became sexually aroused nor found abnormal pleasure in these practices as a child or adolescent. "All of it was just normal." This is also reported by medical patients and psychotherapy clients who partake in these practices for medicinal and nutritional (health) reasons. Their behaviors are also "normal" from a cultural perspective.

His first exposure to vampirism was through mental health clients in the seriously mentally ill population. His interest in mystery novels and "scary shows" intensified, as did his interest in reports on criminal cases that involved psychosexual pathology during his association with his "friends." He was not criminal himself. Drinking his own blood, and later the blood of the others, gave him a sense of self-determination and self-control that he did not feel trying to deal with the ups and downs of a serious mental illness. He felt empowered. Schizophrenia made him feel out of control of himself and his life and helpless most of the time. These out-of-control and helpless feelings could be similar to those feelings experienced in childhood because of his mother's lack of care and attention suggesting an unresolved crisis in object relations in childhood. Expressed in psychodynamic terms, these feelings were similar to the pain of maternal object loss he experienced in childhood with a cold and distant mother. Drinking blood in adulthood put him in control of himself, empowered him, and made him feel energized. He took energy from others and sucked life-giving powers from others for himself, securing for himself what was missing in childhood--finishing an unfinished crisis in object relations. He also was sexually aroused when drinking blood as an adult. These propelling and compelling experiences reinforced his behavior and kept him going back for more. Additionally, the introduction to the individuals who drank their own blood and each other's, and to being sexually aroused by doing so, resulted in his having a "peer group," being accepted, and feeling "normal"--all expected emotions of developing peer groups during adolescence. Had it not been for his involvement with mental health services, he very well may not have had this cultural experience.

Two pivotal events motivated Vlad to stop meeting with the other men and drinking their blood and would be motivators to stop his auto vampirism. They were his engagement to be married and his intense fear of AIDS. He would give no specific reason for this intense fear of AIDS other than to say it is fatal. He could give up his feelings of helplessness and feeling out of control without blood because he had a replacement--a relationship, which would result in marriage--and because of his own strength, propelled by his fear of contracting AIDS, to fight against getting AIDS by giving up blood. A cognitive-behavioral therapy approach was indicated because the client was not interested in or felt the need to delve into his childhood. This raised some questions about the accountability and accuracy of the role of childhood and adolescent experiences and relationships given by the client and the role exposure to and the use of blood at a very early age played in the development of his delusional material. These questions also gave credence to my incorporating psychodynamic thoughts and queries into the case conceptualization.

The client was highly motivated to change his behaviors. In itself, his asking for and receiving six months of therapy in six sessions indicated his motivation. He was open to reducing his blood use to zero and maintaining long-term abstinence. He immediately developed a time frame for reduction of use and abstinence and a reward plan for compliance. That I did not appear shocked at his "vampirism" and had cross-cultural clinical experience with people who ingested blood in one form or another, or who had interest in and received Eigenblut Injektionen, helped to establish a therapeutic working relationship from the start of therapy. This experience underscores the importance of cultural competence of therapists and cultural relevance in the diagnosis of mental disorders. Additionally, not proposing a treatment goal of "getting over vampirism" impressed him. Trying to strip him of his "vampirism" would have led to non-compliance and early termination. From a psychodynamic perspective, stripping him of his "vampirism" would have left his ego unprotected and fragile if he had development his "vampirism" as a defense mechanism.

Implications and Suggestions for Further Research

As cited above, a dearth of peer-reviewed articles and research on clinical vampirism or Renfield's syndrome and psychic vampirism exists. The few peer-reviewed articles available are mostly singular case studies such as the "illustrative case report" by Gubb et al. (2006) or theoretical formulations. Some articles focus on criminal activity and contain re-evaluations of information on serial killers.

I believe that there is a hidden number of people who participate in vampiristic activities and consider themselves vampires. An interesting research project would be to investigate the prevalence of vampiristic behaviors in a large seriously mental health population, because the records of the managed care provider to this population are numerous, often in the thousands, up-to-date, and complete. Basic information on prevalence could be obtained by an anonymous questionnaire acquired from that population to start the research.

Additionally, cross-cultural practices on drinking animal blood and eating animal parts and getting Eigenblut Injektionen--injections of one's own blood--should be researched. The results of these studies could be related to vampiristic practices. Questions arise, such as how are closely are nutritional/health blood ingestions related to vampiristic practices, if at all. What are the differences between this client and those who drink blood to gain and maintain strength and health? Other research questions arise concerning people who claim to drink the blood of Christ. Is that psychic vampirism? How do therapists assess the cultural practices of people who drink blood or figuratively drink blood? Questions about connections to cannibalism and the spiritual practice of cannibalism in a cross-cultural context arise and need to be researched. How does one assess the meaning of these practices? Are these practices healthy or not? Also, a research project that gave psychological and personality testing to a population of people who drink blood or receive Eigenblut Injektionen for medicinal reasons or to maintain their health or make them healthier would be interesting. This group should also include those people who eat fresh blood food products or eat raw, bloody meats considered nutritional delicacies. Spikes in areas of an assessment, such as in the MMPI, which are associated with vampirism would indicate the need for further research between these groups. These, among other comparisons between those people who have confirmed vampiristic behaviors and those who consider their uses of blood "normal" practice, would be needed research projects. These studies, among others, could help clinicians who work on revisions for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) determine the need for a diagnostic label of clinical vampirism. A diagnostic label of clinical vampirism would give clients a chance for individual therapy sessions if clinical vampirism were no longer embedded in other mental disorders usually covered only by case management and psychiatric services. Moreover, a fine line between normal and abnormal behaviors could be further differentiated. Peer-reviewed articles and research on Renfield's syndrome would promote awareness among therapists of a possible hidden number of clients who may participate in vampiristic behaviors.

This article is approved by the following for continuing education credit:

The American College of Forensic Examiners International is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The American College of Forensic Examiners International maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The American Psychotherapy Association provides this continuing education credit for Diplomates and certified members, who we recommend obtain 15 CEs per year to maintain their status.

After studying this article, participants should be better able to do the following:

1. Define clinical vampirism--Renfield's syndrome

2. Identify the stages of Renfield's syndrome

3. Identify at least two pivotal events that often lead to the development of vampirism

4. Identify at least two psychiatric disorders in which vampirism could be embedded

5. Define psychic vampirism

KEYWORDS: Vampirism, Renfield's syndrome, clinical vampirism

TARGET AUDIENCE: Psychotherapists, counselors, psychologists, social workers, case managers, nurses, and law enforcement officers receiving mental health training

PROGRAM LEVEL: Intermediate

DISCLOSURES: The author has made equivalent descriptive substitutes throughout the case study and the fragments of the biopsychosocial for anonymity. She purposely included only a few quotes and did not include client-therapist dialogue to maintain confidentiality. e


POST CE TEST QUESTIONS (Answer the following questions after reading the article, pages 58-63)

1. There is significant peer-reviewed literature and research on clinical vampirism-Renfield's syndrome.

a. True

b. False

2. The three stages of Renfield's syndrome are:

a. Auto-vampirism, zoophagia, psychic vampirism

b. Zoophagia, auto-vampirism, true vampirism

c. Auto-vampirism, zoophagia, true vampirism

d. Psychic vampirism, auto-vampirism, true vampirism

3. Which pivotal events are associated with the development of vampirism?

a. The taste of blood in childhood is exciting

b. After puberty, tasting blood is sexually arousing

c. Both are associated with the development of vampirism

4. Renfield's syndrome is not an accepted disorder in the DSM-IV-TR, but it is associated with the following Axis I and Axis II disorders:

a. Schizophrenia

b. Schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorder

c. Paraphilias and antisocial personality disorder

d. Schizophrenia, antisocial personality disorder, and paraphilias

5. Clients who have Renfield's syndrome are:

a. Primarily male

b. Primarily female who have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder

c. Adolescent males ages 16-18

d. Renfield's syndrome is seen in males and females equally

6. Renfield's syndrome is so rare that peer-reviewed professional articles and research projects on this syndrome are not needed. Professionals can take their information from fictional literature and reports on criminal cases such as those on serial killers.:

a. True

b. False


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By Jolene Oppawsky, PhD

JOLENE OPPAWSKY, PhD, a Diplomate psychotherapist and Ii-I censed professional counselor in Arizona and an approved clinical supervisor, is a University of Phoenix faculty member and supervisor in the graduate counseling program in Tucson, Arizona. Formerly, she taught for Boston University in its graduate overseas counseling program. She has taught psychology and psychotherapy at the University of Warsaw and at the University of Lithuania. She practices psychotherapy on a contract basis in Tucson, Arizona, and she has several professional publications to her credit.