Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: The John S McCain remembers the Great White Fleet

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: The John S McCain remembers the Great White Fleet

By Greg Roberts

MELBOURNE, Aug 29 AAP - The USS John S McCain powered into Port Melbourne today marking
100 years since the United States' Great White Fleet sailed into Port Phillip Bay.

On August 29, 1908, the fleet of 16 battleships, all painted white, and 14,000 sailors
captured the imagination of Victoria.

The fleet was part of the US making a statement that it was a superpower and helped
Australia form an alliance with the Americans.

The John S McCain is named after the Republican presidential candidate's father and
grandfather, both four star admirals.

The destroyer's commander John Banigan said it was more powerful than the entire Great
White Fleet.

"We are honoured to be part of the 100 years as it (the cruise 100 years ago) put forward
the US as a world power," he told reporters.

"We established a coalition with Australia and its significance was causing the onset
of a navy here."

Commander Banigan said the 14 year-old destroyer had recently attended the coronation
of the King of Tonga while the crew of about 300 sailors took part in centenary celebrations
in Sydney last week and now Melbourne.

"I have told them not to get in trouble but to have fun because they've worked hard," he said.

Combat system officer Chris England said about 20 to 25 per cent of the ship's crew
would stay in hotels around Melbourne over the next week to get a break from the ship.

"They go to hotels so they don't have to wear flip flops in the shower and shower or
sleep around other people," he told reporters.

"They will most definitely be going to baths too."

The John S McCain served in the second Gulf War in 2003, is 154 metres long and 19.5
metres at its widest point and weighs 85,000 tonnes.

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