Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: AFP hails cooperation on arrest of alleged people-smuggler

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: AFP hails cooperation on arrest of alleged people-smuggler

CANBERRA, Dec 3 AAP - The arrest of an alleged major people smuggler in Malaysia was
a signal that collaboration with international agencies was the best way to tackle the
problem, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) said today.

Naeli Ahmad Abdullah, a 41-year-old Iraqi based in Malaysia since 1996, was arrested
last month on immigration charges. Malaysia does not have people-smuggling laws.

The AFP, which worked closely with Malaysian police on the Abdullah case, believes
he is a key people smuggler responsible for sending boatloads of people to Australia via
Christmas Island and Ashmore Reef.

Abdullah is expected to be deported, a move which the AFP expects will disrupt his
people-smuggling operations.

"This operation is a great example of collaboration between Australian authorities
and the Royal Malaysian Police," AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty said in a statement.

"We've worked at engaging law enforcement agencies in the region and through our liaison
officer network in Asian and central Asia, we are now seeing the benefits of an international
approach to the problem."

Mr Keelty said one of the benefits flowing from operations like this with an individual
agency was that it encouraged other agencies to achieve similar outcomes.

"In other words, success breeds further success. This has been a deliberate strategic
approach by the AFP," he said.

"There are a number of major players that form key links in the smuggling chain that
brings people from the Middle East down through Malaysia and Indonesia to Australia.

"With this arrest we've taken out a significant link in this chain."

Mr Keelty was adamant the fight against transnational crime must take place offshore.

"As commissioner, I'll continue to put great emphasis on the development of relationships
with overseas law enforcement agencies to engage them in a global collaborative effort."

AAP dep/sw/ph/sb


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