Monday, March 12, 2012

`Power loss' light signals fuel, emissions problems

Q.The "power loss" light frequently comes on in my 1986 ChryslerLeBaron convertible. The car runs extremely well, but I feel uneasydriving it. Solution? L.H., Palos Heights

A. Have a mechanic check out the car. There is something wrongwith the car's fuel or emissions-control systems. The problem maynot affect performance much, but probably is adversely affectingemissions levels.

Q. My cousin owns a Toyota Camry. I own a Nissan Maxima. We'redebating over which car is the most popular and reliable. Help?D.S., StickneyA. The Camry outsells the Maxima, which is as reliable as theCamry and more fun to drive in SE model form.Q. I had my car rustproofed when I bought it two years ago.Now, I hear rustproofing was unnecessary. Holes were drilled in thecar for the rustproofing. What do I do about them? S.K., HickoryHillsA. Nothing. They were drilled to get rustproofing material intohidden body areas.Q. I've had my 1992 Jeep tuned up, but now the maintenance lightis on all the time. Is there a release button I can press to turnthe light off, as was the case with my 1987 Volkswagen? J.D.,ChicagoA. Your Jeep has no such button. Take it to where you had themaintenance work done and have them reset the computer. There is noother way to get rid of the light, says Elmwood Park's CairaAutomotive.Q. My 1996 automatic-transmission Nissan Sentra is supposed toget an EPA-estimated 28 m.p.g. in the city.I get 22-25 m.p.g. Anything wrong with the car? J.C.,ChicagoA. I doubt it. You're looking at estimated economy. Real-worldeconomy can vary a lot, depending on things like the weather, trafficand driving habits. The 25 m.p.g. figure is pretty good for yourSentra.Q. My 1986 Volkswagen Jetta's "oil warning" light comes on, eventhough the car runs fine and has plenty of oil. Then it goes off,only to come on again. I had the oil sensor switches checked and/orreplaced, and the oil pump pressure is fine. C.E., ChicagoA. It just sounds like a wiring problem - perhaps a short in awire.Send your car-related questions to Q&A With Dan Jedlicka, c/oChicago Sun-Times, Fourth Floor, 401 N. Wabash, Chicago, Ill. 60611.Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

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