Monday, March 5, 2012

NEWEST CRY OF THE WOLF 'Kinder, gentler incarnation of a generation's premier feminist'



Eccentric Wisdom From My Father on How to Live, Love and See

by Naomi Wolf

Simon & Schuster. $24.

Book reviewers are constantly fielding the same question fromneighbors in the elevator and parents of kids in their daughter'sballet class: "What are you reading these days?" Unfortunately,unless it contains the words "Da Vinci" and "Code," the answer tothis question is usually met with a blank stare. I was, therefore,flabbergasted when everybody who heard I was reading Naomi Wolf's newbook had strong opinions to share. Reactions ranged from "It wasn'tenough that she botched Al Gore's campaign?" to "The Beauty Mythchanged my …

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